Friday, December 3, 2010

12.03.2010 It's been a crazy Fall...

Wedding date is set :)  Sunday, 3.27.2010...  Now to iron out every other detail... I never knew wedding planning was so overwhelming but subconcisouly I must have because I had always intended on eloping, some days I think it still might not be to late.  All in all I can't complain though, we have A.Mazing family and friends that are helping tremendiously.  I always have in the back of my mind that I know more than anything I want it to be married to this wonderful man and start our new life together so it keeps the stress to a minimum.

Now on to share some much needed recipes!

I made my apple dip for Jonathan one recent Fall Football Saturday and he has been begging for more every since!  A co-worker shared this with me sometime last year and it's always a hit.

Apple Dip
8 oz cream cheese, softened ( I use 1/3 fat)
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 bag of Heath toffee Bits

Mix together and serve with apples and/or graham cracker sticks.  A tip from keeping your apple slices from turning brown is to sprinkle or store with some lemon juice.  Also, Pampered Chef makes a great apple slicer for those that aren't trusted so good with knives like me :)